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Non-Vendor Sponsors -  $300

This is a great option for businesses that are too busy to attend the event in-person but desire to support the CLF endeavors/community & to benefit from the collaboration. To be clear, this option is for partnering businesses who do not want a physical booth at our quarterly fair.



3 Months of Promotional / Name Dropping during ALL of our marketing or events (Radio shows/Podcasts, Local Events Attended, Local Ads, Community Gatherings, etc)

Your Logo on our Flier with Distribution in the Rogue Valley

Your Logo & Website Link on our Website

Social Media posts at opportune times, @ least 2 per month contingent upon you providing the necessary content (FB/Insta & our Email List)

Shoutout on our Podcast (YouTube)

Banner or signage provided by your business for the quarterly fair so event attendees see your business promotion, put up by us the day of.

Vendoring Sponsors - $400

This sponsorship option has the same benefits as the other with the additional vendor space at the quarterly fair. You are then committing to vending your booth or having a representative from your organization do so. You are given first choice on your preferred booth location at the fair.



3 Months of Promotional / “Name Dropping” during ALL of our marketing or events (Radio shows/Podcasts, Local Events Attended, Local Ads, Community Gatherings, etc)

Your Logo on our Flier with Distribution in the Rogue Valley

Your Logo & Website Link on our Website

Social Media posts at opportune times, @ least 2 per month contingent upon you providing the content we request (FB/Insta)

Shoutout on our Podcast (YouTube)


Please fill out everything to the best of your abilities. Anything that doesn't apply to you, leave blank or put in N/A. We gather this information so that we can promote your business. If there is any information you would like shared that we haven't asked for, provide it in the comment section provided. Thank you for being a higher level participant in the Conscious Living Fair community! 

In addition to a head shot/ logo, please upload 2 or more pics that capture a behind the scenes look into your work and/or actual times you are doing your work on or for others. The quality of your pictures are important as we will also be using them as marketing tools to promote you.

The dimensions should be square to keep everything as uniform as possible. The minimum size is 200x200 px. 

Thank you!

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Thanks for joining our healing team!Keep an eye out for follow-up information.

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